'When the woman realized she couldn't remain hidden'...wow that got me.She was hiding because she was not supposed to be near other people. She was considered unclean and impure because of her condition.They believed that she was being punished by God as a result of her sin or un-holiness. This was ... READ the POST
Archives for July 2021
Bless the Work
I remember arriving early for my first day of work at my first big girl job that actually paid decently. I was full of nerves for lack of experience and a little agitated. I knew I was supposed to be working for God on purpose and this was not it. So often I expect right now results but, we serve a ... READ the POST
Wow! Welcome! I can't believe we are finally here together. Five months from conception to completion, yet I feel God has been preparing me for exactly this my whole life! Take a look around and come back to this section of the site on Thursdays to catch new blogs! Excuse me while I prance and ... READ the POST